Line animation involving a hungry Australian ibis and a no-nonsense grandma. Done in Brisbane, home of the ibis.
Character designs. Bin chicken Bill and Grandma Joana.
Scene breakdown and storyboards.
Final line animation.
Line animation of Ms Agatha belittling "Big Paul" during class.
Characters design and scene breakdown.
Final line animation.
"Bigfoot and Butterly". A short animation about Bigfoot and a Butterfly as they stroll through the forest.
Selected scenes.
Final animation.
A showreel of simple animations I did as part of an introductory animation class.
Full animation:
"Ocean". An experimental animation that introspectively looks at the idea of change through the abstracted motif of the ocean as shifting planes of colour, light and texture.
Full animation:
Selected stills.
"Ayo". A film that uses repeated visual motifs to intimately explore my own memory, and the introspections and feelings that I have towards them.
Full animation:
Selected stills.
"I'd do it again". A personal film of me reminiscing my first semester in NTU and the different feelings that accompany it.
Full animation:
Selected stills.