Final installation of artworks done during a fine art studio module at Griffith University in Brisbane. The works focus primarily on the contemporary idea of expanded painting.
A closer look at selected works.
"Bye-Bye", a reflective post-medium work that investigates the futility of memory, documentation and nostalgia through the intimacy of my own memories shared and made in Brisbane.
"Pink Funeral", titled after the Beach House song, the work explores how images and objects are consumed, forgotten and distorted through their self-imposed saturation.
Canvas used as palette, stuffed in its wooden frame. An exploration into the conceptual idea of the canvas and palette as painting object.
A fragmented mosaic that explores the process of destroying and rebuilding through the object of a painting.
"Flower in Vase", a painted sponge, soaked, frozen and compressed in a jar; melting and expanding with the potential to explode.
A reversal of the disarming romanticism associated with still life painting.
A collage of printed images, collected receipts and food packaging stitched together and painted over.
An exploration into a physical way of representing our virtual consumption of social media through the act of scrolling.
Kinda funny how its digitized format straddles the realm of the physical and virtual.
It keeps
The end!
A collection of paintings and drawings that were done for leisure!
An abstracted blue nude.
An abstract painting of the ocean in the french
city of Nice.
A pastel drawing of an old dilapidated room. Crumbling, nostalgic.
Drawing of a wide open plain of grass and mountain, freeing and expansive.